1946-1991 the Dislocation of the Population of the Fergana Valley Regions Relocation to Newly Developed Lands by District

  • Sattarov Akram Madaminovich Senior teacher of the Department of Social and Humanities of Andijan State Medical Institute
Keywords: population, resettlement, cotton monopoly, population resettlement, dislocation


This article describes the dislocation by regions in the implementation of new land acquisition and population relocation as a result of the increase in cotton monoculture in Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite
Sattarov Akram Madaminovich 2023. 1946-1991 the Dislocation of the Population of the Fergana Valley Regions Relocation to Newly Developed Lands by District. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 11 (Nov. 2023), 99-101. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v6i11.4962.