Impact of Financial Stability of Enterprises on Innovative Development Processes

  • Akram Mirzaevich Amanov PhD on economics, professor, International School of Finance Technology and Science, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Keywords: enterprise, financial stability, innovative development, cost.


This article shows the importance of the financial stability of enterprises in the conditions of modernization of the economy, the current situation, the influence of the financial stability of enterprises on the processes of innovative development, the role of factors affecting the reduction of the cost of manufactured products in ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise, and the ways of assessing the financial stability of enterprises


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How to Cite
Akram Mirzaevich Amanov 2023. Impact of Financial Stability of Enterprises on Innovative Development Processes. International Journal on Integrated Education. 6, 12 (Dec. 2023), 10-14. DOI: