Prospect of leaf extracts on the performance and blood profile of monogastric – a review
Medicinal plants are used to prevent, treat and promote healthy life in human and animals, their medicinal value are due to the presence of bioactive chemicals or secondary metabolites (phytochemicals) making it more suitable for animals with benefits of low cost and total safety. Phytochemicals are chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants and they perform a multiple biological activities such as: antibacterial, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, antifungal, hepato-protective, hypolipidemic and antiviral properties. The efficacy of phytochemicals in plants depends on their organic composition (tannin, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponin, phenols and alkaloids), method of extraction or processing, harvesting procedure, soil type, geographical location and level of maturity. Plants are also found to be loaded with minerals, vitamins and other nutrients needed for the growth and development of animals.
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