Teaching pupils the features of rhythm in “Kutadgu Bilig”

  • Abdurahmonova Barno Muhammadjonovna Associated professor of Kokand state pedagogical Institute
Keywords: rhythm of aruz, “Kutadgu bilig”, mutaqorib, hijaz, column, chart


This article focuses on the problems related to teaching aruz (classical Arabic-Persian prosody) rhythm at secondary schools. This was analysed in the example of “Kutadgu bilig” by Yusuf Has Hadjib.


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How to Cite
Abdurahmonova Barno Muhammadjonovna 2020. Teaching pupils the features of rhythm in “Kutadgu Bilig”. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 7 (Jul. 2020), 137-140. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v3i7.512.