Continuous Education System That it is Aimed at Forming a Perfect Person

  • D. Kambarova Teacher of the "Pedagogy" department of the Andijan Region University of Economics and Pedagogy
Keywords: perfect person, innovative approaches, education system, universal culture, existential vacuum, tradition and value, freedom of belief


The article provides information about the need to develop and put into practice effective pedagogical forms and tools based on the rich spiritual and historical traditions, customs and universal values of the people in the education of a well-rounded person through the continuous education system.


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3. O. Musurmonova. Moral values and youth education. Tashkent "Teacher", 1996
How to Cite
Kambarova, D. 2024. Continuous Education System That it is Aimed at Forming a Perfect Person. International Journal on Integrated Education. 7, 1 (Feb. 2024), 15-19.