Aesthetic education and methods of aesthetic development in children with disabilities

  • Nabiyeva Gulshod Ikhtiyorovna Tashkent State Pedagogical University
Keywords: aesthetics, aethetic eduction, aesthetic feeling, family, children with hearing impairments, visual arts, deaf pedagogue, speech, cognition


Aesthetic education and its importance in human life, its role in our social life, psychological and pedagogical classification are given basic concepts. Aesthetic taste is the formation of a sense of beauty in the mind, the means of aesthetic education, the features of aesthetic education, the difficulties in solving aesthetics in children with disabilities and their solutions, the importance and methods of aesthetics in developing the talents and abilities of children with disabilities: in particular innovative technologies.


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How to Cite
Nabiyeva Gulshod Ikhtiyorovna 2020. Aesthetic education and methods of aesthetic development in children with disabilities. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 8 (Aug. 2020), 32-35. DOI: