Peculiarities Of Parallel Construction and Chiasmus In English And Uzbek Poetry

  • Karimova Shakhnozakhon Karimovna Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: Parallel Construction, Reverse Parallelism, Expressiveness, Stylistic Device, Rhythmicity, Contrast, Conflict, Emotional Expression, Artistic Text


This study explores the use of parallel construction and chiasmus in English and Uzbek poetry, examining how these rhetorical devices enhance rhythm, meaning, and aesthetic quality. A comparative analysis highlights distinct cultural influences and linguistic structures that shape their application in each poetic tradition. Findings reveal that while parallelism is commonly used in both traditions for emphasis and symmetry, chiasmus serves unique functions, reflecting contrasting values and linguistic characteristics. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of how culture and language influence poetic form


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How to Cite
Karimova Shakhnozakhon Karimovna 2024. Peculiarities Of Parallel Construction and Chiasmus In English And Uzbek Poetry. International Journal on Integrated Education. 7, 4 (Nov. 2024), 63-66. DOI: