Occasional words Speech Unit

  • O.Y. Tukhtasinova Kokand state pedagogical institute,
Keywords: occasionalism, artistic occasionalism, word, speec specificity, disposition, deviation, word formation, abnormality, expression, nominativity


Abstract: This article discusses the study of occasional words in Russian and Uzbek linguistics, the features of occasional words: dependence on speech (text), creativity, perception of correct or incorrect occasional words, the relationship between occasional word and language norm, one-time use of occasional words. A word is an expressive, optional nomenclature, a synchronous and diachronic mixture of occasional words.


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How to Cite
O.Y. Tukhtasinova 2020. Occasional words Speech Unit. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 8 (Aug. 2020), 107-111. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v3i8.542.