The role of commercial lexeme in the development of the intellectual potential of modern students

  • Toshpulatov Dilshodjon Abdurafiqovich Tashkent University of Information Technologies of Samarkand branch named after Muhammad al – Khwarizmi
Keywords: rate, credit, doreign, exchange, auction, education, development, monitoring, active account


In this article, the role of commercial vocabulary is becoming very important for the development and formation of the intellectual potential of modern students. Monitoring technologies of teaching foreign (English) language are considered. In many developed countries, work is underway to develop telecommunications technology failures, special attention is paid to commercial language in the development of the intellectual potential of modern students. As stated in scientific books, the first priority for professional development and the personality of a person is the formation of the intellectual potential of a modern student. To achieve these goals, first we must know the features of professional development of the individual.


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How to Cite
Toshpulatov Dilshodjon Abdurafiqovich 2020. The role of commercial lexeme in the development of the intellectual potential of modern students. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 8 (Aug. 2020), 143-146. DOI: