Technologies for preparing future physical education teachers for professional activities on the basis of sport coaching

  • Akhmedova Sarvinoz Azatovna Senior teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Navoi, Uzbekistan
Keywords: physical training, sports, profe, coaching, educational technology


Suggestions and recommendations on the preparation of future physical education teachers for professional activities on the basis of sports coaching are given in this article. In this case, both methodological and theoretical points were analyzed from different viewpoints. It concludes with the technologies for preparing future physical education teachers for professional activities on the basis of sports coaching.


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How to Cite
Akhmedova Sarvinoz Azatovna 2020. Technologies for preparing future physical education teachers for professional activities on the basis of sport coaching. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 8 (Aug. 2020), 147-151. DOI: