Retronyms in uzbek language

  • Marufjon Yuldashev1 Uzbek Institute of Arts and Culture Department of "Uzbek language and literature"
Keywords: retronym, retronymic unit, term, neologism, lexicograpghy


The term retronym was first used by the American journalist Frank Mankievich. William Sapphire made the term popular through an article he wrote for the New York Times. The term was included in the interactive edition of the American Heritage Dictionary, an interactive edition, with the following comment: For example, an acoustic guitar against an electric guitar or an analog clock against an electronic clock. ”A retronym is a name derived from the first form of a concept or object. In other words, it represents a new word or phrase that has been devised to distinguish it from its related species. Major changes in the political, economic, scientific and cultural life of the country allow to increase the number of terms in the Uzbek language. This process is widely observed in all styles of literary language, especially in the scientific style and the journalistic style. Collecting them and defining their place in the lexicon is one of the current problems facing our linguistics. The article discusses retronyms and their differences from other phenomena and their place in lexicography.


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How to Cite
Marufjon Yuldashev1 2020. Retronyms in uzbek language. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 8 (Aug. 2020), 155-158. DOI: