Innovational methods of raising the profile of the pedagogical profession. (on the example of a practical subject profile)
The article is devoted to the currently topical problem of forming the professional competence of future teachers of technology. The role of labour training in the formation of values and the active life position of the individual is considered. The main methods of the study of this problem is a retrospective analysis, allowing a comprehensive and systematic study of the impact of various factors on the process of formation of professional and pedagogical competence of the future teacher of technology. Essential characteristics of the interdisciplinary approach as factors in the formation of professional and pedagogical competencies of students have been identified. The authors offer own interpretation of the formalization of the future teacher's professional competence in technology, including the mastery of three fundamental components: a high degree of mastery of the conceptual teaching apparatus; high quality of pedagogical problems solving; mastery of professional terminology and basic categories of pedagogy in the process of solving educational and professional problems. The materials of the article are of practical value for students of pedagogical universities, technology teachers and specialists, whose field of activity is connected with labor training and education of students in training organizations.
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