Principal Strategy in Developing Positioning In Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Jombang
The results of this research indicate that the Principal Strategies In The Development Of Positioning at Junior High School of Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Jombang concentrating on Efforts such as the structured implementation of integrated curriculum, program execution, the flagship, Extracurricular activities that emphasizes education character, student achievement and promotional activities. The impact of the implementation strategy of development of the principal positioning at Junior High School Muhammadiyah Boarding School (MBS) Jombang made teachers service quality and employees be good, increasing the interest and the trust of the community, the formation of good character in students, and the number of institutions study appeal. Implementation of the development strategy of positioning is supported by a number of factors, Including: educators who meet the qualification standards of the education quality, quality of education services are good, school is worth written, media promotion and quality students who are good. And has some restricting factors include: infrastructure, not to the existence of a special promotion team, intense competition, a community mindset growing niche to choose schools, and less strategic geographical location.
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