Formation of written speech in foreign language lessons

  • Nosirova Dilfuza Mustafoyevna “Foreign language in humanities” Bukhara state university
Keywords: speech, foreign language, outlook, speech environment, audio-visual, psychotherapist, lexical and grammatical material, vocabulary


When it comes to the formation and development of oral language skills in elementary school age students, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the activities of speech, the formation of human speech and the formation of speech in students. The main function of language is to communicate with people. Throughout his or her life, a person has been developing speech. The psychological and methodological literature contains a number of concepts and numerous scientific articles on the formation and development of human speech.


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How to Cite
Nosirova Dilfuza Mustafoyevna 2020. Formation of written speech in foreign language lessons. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 123-125. DOI: