The technology of improving fluid speech and mustering the stutter speaking childern

  • Makhamova Umida Abdusattarovna Toshkent State Pedagogical University independent researcher, speech therapist
Keywords: speech, child, speech defects, anamnesis, examination, complex, degree


The article identifies the process of speech therapy for stuttering children's speech: the causes of stuttering, collection of anamnesis of children with stuttering speech defects, comprehensive examination of various aspects of speech, identification of the mechanism of developmental disorders and levels of stuttering using speech therapy-corrective technologies. Through this examination, the problems of speech defects in children in a timely manner were considered, and the purpose of the article was to reveal the concepts of stuttering, their comprehensive examination and methods of overcoming stuttering.


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How to Cite
Makhamova Umida Abdusattarovna 2020. The technology of improving fluid speech and mustering the stutter speaking childern. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 8 (Aug. 2020), 218-221. DOI: