Pengembangan video animasi materi lambang negara indonesia untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar dan daya ingat peserta didik kelas iii di mi ma’arif pamotan
Education in Indonesia must have an effort to develop creative, affective and quality learning activities so that the knowledge possessed has a long-term impact. This research uses R&D (Research and Development) research methods. R&D methods are often used to make products or develop products beforehand. In addition, researchers in collecting data through interviews with informants at MI Ma'arif Pamotan, observation and documentation. In analyzing the results of interviews regarding the lack of memory of students on state emblem material, researchers analyzed using the quantitative analysis technique of percentage and paired t-test analysis techniques. From the two analytical techniques in the study, it is known that the results of the validation questionnaire assessment from the experts stated that the textbook products developed by researchers are feasible to be applied in schools to overcome learners who lack performance in learning motivation and memory.
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