The period in which ghazali lived: the socio-political situation and the spiritual environment

  • Qodirov Davronbek Hoshimovich Bukhara State University, Senior Lecturer, 11 M. Ikbol, Bukhara, Uzbekistan.
Keywords: socio-political situation, spiritual environment, caliphate, mental, enlightenment crisis, Sufism, heart, mysticism, existence


The article analyzes the period of Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, the socio-political situation in the caliphate, the spiritual life and scientific activity of the thinker, as well as the ideas and mystical works that influenced the formation of his ideological, political, cultural and moral views.


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How to Cite
Qodirov Davronbek Hoshimovich 2020. The period in which ghazali lived: the socio-political situation and the spiritual environment. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 9 (Sep. 2020), 108-111. DOI: