The role of ict in efl classroom

  • M.Abdurahmonov Namangan State University
  • Sh.Samandarov Namangan State University
  • B.Tolibjonov Namangan State University
  • A.Turdiyev Namangan State University
Keywords: Computers, ICT, educational platform, software program, language teaching, language learning, Interactive white board


We cannot imagine our daily routine without the use of technologies, smart devices which have been around us in all spheres of our life for many years. With the development of the ICT, a vast number of educational platforms and software that can be used in education have been created. Using technology in language learning has become the perfect tool in reaching proficiency and fluency, and English lessons accompanied by technological support are the most effective and attractive for students who want to be successful in their language learning. In this article, I will discuss the methods of using ICT with the help of some educational platforms and software programs which can be used effectively in language teaching and learning.


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How to Cite
M.Abdurahmonov, Sh.Samandarov, B.Tolibjonov and A.Turdiyev 2020. The role of ict in efl classroom. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 132-134. DOI: