Study of the effect of bismuth electrophysical properties of gallium phosphide single crystals

  • Alibekov Sayfulla Abduganievich Ph.D. Physics-Mat. Sci., Associate Professor Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
Keywords: Semiconductors, crystallization, technological change, crystal, appearence


Semeconductor compounds with is ovalent impurities, effect of bismuth electrophysical properties,  processing into a growing crystal, electrical properties of Ga P, mobility of crystals , the interaction of bismuth with silicon


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How to Cite
Alibekov Sayfulla Abduganievich 2020. Study of the effect of bismuth electrophysical properties of gallium phosphide single crystals. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 9 (Sep. 2020), 257-259. DOI: