Language picture of children’s world illustrated in “Divanu Lugat-It Turk”

  • Boynazarov Zokir Samarkand state university
Keywords: Language Picture of the World, children's world picture, child’s language, “Divanu Lugat-it Turk”


This article explores the language picture of the World and its varieties, the role of children's world picture and the features of its study. Also, special attention is paid to the Turkic children's worldview of the 11th century, set forth in the famous "Divan" by Mahmoud Kashgary. Some comments are given on the analysis of the concept of "children's world picture".


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How to Cite
Boynazarov Zokir 2020. Language picture of children’s world illustrated in “Divanu Lugat-It Turk” . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 150-155. DOI: