Depiction of king and great leaders in classic literature

  • Hayitov Shavkat Ahmadovich Bukhara State University
Keywords: Society, justice, wisdom, king, country, people, thinking, ideology, Sheikh Saadi, Gulistan, Dervish, Alisher Navoi, Mahbubul-Kulub, politics, Nizamulmulk, Siyosatnoma, Anushiravan, Sultan Mahmud, Kaikovus, Qabusnama, Allah, man, perfect, story, example, source, history, person, place, location, address, time, Siyarul-muluk, evidence, sheet, event, ambassador, region, stability, territory, integrity, open, secure, merchant, trust, army, ghost, A Thousand Night, principles, vigilance, discernment, honor


As the centuries move from works to works, the image of the perfect king is filled and refined, and the subject of justice is deeply embedded in classical literature. The roots of a long history of justice and the rules of the rulers' relations with their citizens have been developed by each artist in accordance with the moral, social, political, educational and ideological demands of their time. In the article, Sheikh Muslihiddin Saadi's first chapter of Gulistan in the Remembrance of Kings, the first chapter of Hazrat Alisher Navoi's "Mahbubul-Qubub" entitled "In the remembrance of the righteous and the good and the good," in the eleventh century. Abu Ali Hasan bin Ali Tusi - Nizamulmulk, who lived and worked in the "Siyosatnoma" from 531 to 579 and ruled Sultan Mahmud G from the reign of 997-1030 Ghaznaviy to be a comparative analysis of the symbols of the art venues and narrations, some of the above-mentioned principles referred to reflect the image of a mature ruler (President). In place of the forty-second chapter of the Qobusnama in the Remembrance of the Kingdom and the Form of the Kingdom, it is also analyzed by Unsurul Maali Kaikovus bin bin Iskandar bin Qaboos (11th century).


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How to Cite
Hayitov Shavkat Ahmadovich 2020. Depiction of king and great leaders in classic literature . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 1 (Mar. 2020), 161-164. DOI: