The Role of Madrassahs in Science Development

  • Mirzhalolhon Isakhonovich Asatullaev Samarkand State University 140104 Uzbekistan, Samarkand, University Boulevard 15
Keywords: Eastern Renaissance,, Movarounnahr, Forjak Madrassah, Raboti Ghazian Madrassah,, Madrassah Oliya, Science, Scholars, Ulugbek Madrassah, Tillokori Madrassah, Sherdor Madrassah


Madrasahs, places of enlightenment, which gave a major impetus to the development of world science and civilization, are the product of Islamic religion and culture and, fortunately, first appeared in our country. The article discusses the role of madrassahs in the development of science. This article discusses madrassahs in Samarqand and Bukhara, which contain valuable information on the history of madrassahs schools, their exact location, education and principles of operation.


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How to Cite
Mirzhalolhon Isakhonovich Asatullaev 2020. The Role of Madrassahs in Science Development. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 10 (Oct. 2020), 116-121. DOI: