The history of the Andijan and Bekabad prisoners’ camps established after World War II
The article contains analytical data obtained as a result of field research, scientific literature and analytical work carried out in the Andijan provincial prisoner-of-war camps in Uzbekistan and near the town of Bekabad, archival documents on conditions and internal regulations, sanitary and hygienic environment, types of economic activities in the camps, the work of prisoners of war, their memories and the kindness of the Uzbek people to them are studied and discussed.
Statute on POWs No. 2.3. 23 September 1939. Moscow. Prisoners of War in the USSR. 1939–1956. Documents and materials / Composition. M.M. Zagorulko, S.G. Sidorov, T.V. Tsarevskaya. Moscow: Logos, 2000. Pp.74–76. [Polojenie o voennoplennyih № 2.3. 23 sentyabr 1939 god. Moskva. Voennoplennyie v SSSR. 1939–1956. Dokumentyi i materialyi / Sost. M.M. Zagorulko, S.G. Sidorov, T.V. Tsarevskaya. M.:Logos, 2000. – S.74-76].
Regional Structures of GUPVI NKVD-MVD of the USSR. 1941-1951: Reporting and information documents / Under edition of M.M. Zagorulko. - Volgograd: Publisher, 2006. Volgograd: Publisher, 2006. P.5. Book 2. 431. [Regional'nye struktury GUPVI NKVD-MVD SSSR. 1941-1951: Otchyotno-informacionnye dokumenty / Pod red. M.M. Zagorul'ko. - Volgograd: Izdatel', 2006. T.5. Kn. 2. – S. 431.].
Kok-Yangak (Kyrgyz: Kok-Zhangak) is a city in Jalal-Abad Oblast, Kyrgyzstan. By 1939, it was decided to build mine No. 40 in this area and it was installed on this site. In the same year, the Kok-Yangak mining administration was established, which was part of the Sredazshakhtostroy trust. [Kok-Yangak (kirg. Kok-Chzhangak) - Qirgiziston Respublikasining Zhalol-Obod viloyatidagi viloyat bo’jsunuvidagi shahar. 1939 jilga kelib ushbu hududda 40-sonli shaxtani qurishga qaror qilindi va ushbu bo’limga o’rnatildi. Huddi shu jili "Sredazshahtostroj" tresti tarkibiga kiruvchi "Ko’k-Yangak" kon boshqarmasi tashkil etildi].
Motrevich V.P. Institutions for maintaining prisoners of war and internees in Uzbekistan in 1943-1949. (number and location). Russian Law Journal. Yekaterinburg. 6/2018. Page 6/2018. 61. [Motrevich V.P. Uchrezhdeniya dlya soderzhaniya voennoplennyh i internirovannyh v Uzbekistane v 1943–1949 gg. (chislennost' i dislokaciya). Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. – Ekaterinburg. 6/2018. – S. 61].
Regional structures of the GUPVI NKVD-MVD of the USSR. 1941-1951: Reporting and information documents / Under edition of M.M. Zagorulko. - Volgograd: Publisher, 2006. Volgograd: Publisher, 2006. P.5. Book 2. 435 [Regional'nye struktury GUPVI NKVD-MVD SSSR. 1941-1951: Otchyotno-informacionnye dokumenty / Pod red. M.M. Zagorul'ko. - Volgograd: Izdatel', 2006. T.5. Kn. 2. – S. 435].
Elza-Bair Guchinova. Drawing of the camp: language of injury in memory of Japanese prisoners of war in the USSR. Hokkaido University. 2016. Page 435. 6. Elsa-Bair Guchinova. 38. [El'za-Bair Guchinova. Risovat' lager': yazyk travmy v pamyati yaponskih voennoplennyh v SSSR.Universitet Hokkajdo. 2016. – S. 38].
Regional structures GUPVI NKVD-MVD USSR. 1941-1951: Reporting and information documents / Under edition of M.M. Zagorulko. - Volgograd: Publisher, 2006. Volgograd: Publisher, 2006. P.5. Book 2. 436. [Regional'nye struktury GUPVI NKVD-MVD SSSR. 1941-1951: Otchyotno-informacionnye dokumenty / Pod red. M.M. Zagorul'ko. - Volgograd: Izdatel', 2006. T.5. Kn. 2. – S. 436].
Motrevich V.P. Institutions for keeping prisoners of war and internees in Uzbekistan in 1943-1949. (number and location). Russian Law Journal. Yekaterinburg. 6/2018. Page 6/2018. 65. [Мотревич В.П. Учреждения для содержания военнопленных и интернированных в Узбекистане в 1943–1949 гг. (численность и дислокация). Российский юридический журнал. Екатеринбург. 6/2018. – С. 65].
June 17, 1930 the first domestic serial tractor, wheeled agricultural tractor STZ-1 or STZ-15/30, came down from Stalingrad (STZ), now Volgograd (VGTZ) tractor factory. This day is also the birthday of the first specialized tractor plant in the USSR - STZ / VgTZ. A photo is provided in the appendix. [1930 jil 17 iyunda birinchi mahallij ommavij ishlab chiqarish traktori, gildirakli qishloq xo’zhalik traktori STZ-1 yoki STZ-15/30, Stalingrad (STZ) konveeridan, hozirgi Volgograd (VgTZ) traktor zavodidan chiqdi. Ushbu kun shuningdek, SSSR dagi birinchi ihtisoslashtirilgan traktor zavodi - STZ / VgTZ tugilgan kuni hisoblanadi].
From 1934 to 1940 it was produced under the brand "universal" at the plant "Krasny Putilovets" in Leningrad. Due to the difficulties of the war years it continued to produce tractors after a break, but from 1944 to 1955 VTZDA was the first tractor produced at the Vladimir Tractor Plant. It had 22 horsepower. [1934-jildan 1940-jilgacha Leningradda "Krasnij Putilovec" zavodida "universal" markasi bilan ishlab chiqarildi. Urush jillarining qijinchiliklari tufajli tanaffusdan so’ng traktor ishlab chiqarishni davom ettirdi, biroq 1944-jildan 1955-jilgacha ishlab chiqarilgan VTZDA Vladimir traktor zavodida ishlab chiqarilgan birinchi traktorga ajlandi. U 22 ot kuchiga ega edi].
Russian state military archive (RSMА), f. 1, i.15а, f.230, p.3.
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