The manifestation of creativity of younger school students

  • Tazhigalieva K.T. Primary school teacher of secondary school №38, Uzbekistan, Nukus
  • A.A. Bekimbetova Candidate of Pedagogical Science Associate Professor, head of department, "Preschool education and defectology" Nukus State Pedagogical Institute Uzbekistan
Keywords: Junior school student, critical thinking technology, creativity, ability, creative thinking, Primary school age is a very important period of school


The article presents a question about the technology of critical thinking in primary school children.  Forms of work on the formation of this technology are proposed. To achieve a new quality education that corresponds to important aspects of modern society - this is the main goal of reforming and improving the educational system. 


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Methodological guide for teachers. « Ozbekiston milliy ensiklopediya

How to Cite
Tazhigalieva K.T. and A.A. Bekimbetova 2020. The manifestation of creativity of younger school students. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 10 (Oct. 2020), 255-257. DOI: