Tax reform of 2019 in Uzbekistan

  • Yuldasheva Umida Asanaliyevna “International Finance Credit” Department of Tashkent Financial institute
Keywords: tax, tax burden, tax reforms, government budget, private companies, VAT, excise tax, tax policy


This article discusses how the tax reforms affect the budget and business atmosphere in Uzbekistan. The country has already implemented several tax methods but few of them have made the economy flourish. Yet, recent changes differ from previous ones with these reforms reflecting the experiences of those countries whose economy is highly affected by the tax in a positive way. In order to dramatically decrease the tax burden on companies and individuals, the number of direct taxes has been cut hoping to open the hidden economy in the country. However, the meaning of direct taxes has been moved into indirect ones such as VAT. Below we will do our best to analyze the outcomes of the previous tax reforms and offer some taxation mechanisms which can help the economy of the country.


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Cf. World Bank: World Development Report 1988, Washington, D.C., 1988.

How to Cite
Yuldasheva Umida Asanaliyevna 2020. Tax reform of 2019 in Uzbekistan. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 10 (Oct. 2020), 286-291. DOI: