English translation of abdullah qadiri's novel "days gone by" and its reflection skills

  • Feruza Kabilova ESP for Humanitarian Subjects, Bukhara State University
  • Turayeva Khurshida Tokhirovna English literature department, Bukhara State University
Keywords: The depiction of natural landscapes, artist's attitude, world of heroes, figurative features


The depiction of natural landscapes given in works of art is one of the factors that demonstrate the creative artistic skill. Because in the depiction of natural landscapes, the artist's attitude to the space he captures, how much he knows the place, how deeply he feels the world of heroes and the environment in which they live. Therefore, the depiction of natural landscapes is an integral part of the work of art.


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How to Cite
Feruza Kabilova and Turayeva Khurshida Tokhirovna 2020. English translation of abdullah qadiri’s novel "days gone by" and its reflection skills. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 10 (Oct. 2020), 304-306. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v3i10.763.