A sense of humor as an essential component of pedagogical optimism

  • Jalilova Lola Jalilovna Bukhara State University
  • Rajabov Akhtam Uktamovich Bukhara State University
Keywords: humor, pedagogical activity, creativity, unpredictable situations, motivation, language skills


The given article deals with the implementation of humor in teaching process. Advantages of the possession of sense of humor for FL teachers are illustrated via a wide range of authentic cases from teaching experience. The given cases are analyzed and suggestions are given. The importance of humor effect on learners` language acquisition and creating a friendly classroom atmosphere is considered.


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How to Cite
Jalilova Lola Jalilovna and Rajabov Akhtam Uktamovich 2020. A sense of humor as an essential component of pedagogical optimism. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 3 (Mar. 2020), 29-34. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v3i3.82.