Educating young people to patriotism in the epic "Forty Girls"

  • А. T. Saparov Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Pre-School Education and Defectology
Keywords: partiotic feelings, motherland, generation, Uzbekistan


People are born and raised from an early age and watch the nature of the place where they work. He learns language and customs. He also learns the words mother, father, country, homeland in his native language for the first time and communicates with each other. They are committed to self-sacrifice in their homeland. He amasses wealth for his country and people, creates wealth, protect his homeland from external enemies.


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How to Cite
А. T. Saparov 2020. Educating young people to patriotism in the epic "Forty Girls". International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 11 (Nov. 2020), 137-139. DOI: