Philosophical aspects and analysis of the regularities of formation of geo-economic thinking

  • Ubaydullayev Islomjon Abdullayevich PhD, Senior teacher of Namangan institute of engineering and technology, Uzbekistan
Keywords: geo-economic thinking, society, social philosophy, world economy, economic culture


In this article some philosophical aspects of the interpretation of the geo-economical thinking and consciousness of the owners in general are considered. There is the analysis some features and peculiarities of the revealing of this kind of thinking in the sphere of global economy and local markets is provided.


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How to Cite
Ubaydullayev Islomjon Abdullayevich 2020. Philosophical aspects and analysis of the regularities of formation of geo-economic thinking . International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 11 (Nov. 2020), 140-142. DOI: