Pedagogical opportunities to improve training system on the basis of advanced foreign experience

  • A.J.Turekeeva Base doctoral student, Nukus state pedagogical institute named after Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Uzbekistan
Keywords: education system, public education system staff, professional development, continuing, professional education systems, compenent, professional activity


The article describes the current stage organizing methods study of education system development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, intensification and the modernization process general direction, professional development of the public education system staff, foreign and domestic technologies experience and teachersprofessional development in the additional vocational education system in accordance with the theoretical literature the need to improve the continuous vocational education system, as well as vocational education programs in general, technology, teaching methods and forms development and modernization for adults.


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How to Cite
A.J.Turekeeva 2020. Pedagogical opportunities to improve training system on the basis of advanced foreign experience. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 11 (Nov. 2020), 172-177. DOI: