Features of connotative meaning of somatizms as part of phraseological units

  • Gadoeva Mavlyuda Ibragimovna Bukhara State University
Keywords: somatizms, hand, head, heart, nose, eyes, ears, knees, foot, phraseological units, components, phrase-forming activity


This article is devoted to the peculiar features of  connotative meaning of somatizms as a part of the phraseological units. In this article most parts of the body and their designations have several connotative symbolic meanings,  arising from the basic meaning of the “body part” based on the metonymic transference are studied. Phraseological systems of non-related languages  ​​demonstrate "double anthropocentrism" - semantic orientation on a person as components of lexical-components in their direct meanings, and especially complex phraseological units in their phraseological meanings of body parts.


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How to Cite
Gadoeva Mavlyuda Ibragimovna 2020. Features of connotative meaning of somatizms as part of phraseological units. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 3 (Mar. 2020), 73-78. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v3i3.91.