The role of radiation diagnostic methods in pathological changes of the hip joint before and after endoprosthetics

  • Janibekov J. J Bukhara state medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sina
Keywords: Roentgenography, multispiral computed tomography, endoprosthesis, hip joint.


Endoprosthesis replacement-operational treatment of diseases and damages of hip joint. The problem of prevention of complications and their negative effects is extremely actual  today. However the role of different beam techniques in identification of adverse effects and complications of endoprosthesis replacement of joints is studied insufficiently. Results of clinic and diagnostic and beam researches of 40 patients with pathology of hip joint are analyzed. The used beam methods of research - roentgenography, multispiral computed tomography. At presurgical stage the main objec­tive was detection of pathology of joint, definition of indications and planning of operative measure. Situation and relationship of components of endoprosthesis, condition of bone tissue, and also bone cement round cup and leg of prosthesis were key parameters of radiological assessment of outcomes of endoprosthesis replacement. Complex use of radiological techniques (roentgenography and spiral computed tomography) allows to specify and add semiotics of changes of bone tissue at the level of acetabular hollow and proximal department of femur after endoprosthesis re­placement.


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How to Cite
Janibekov J. J 2020. The role of radiation diagnostic methods in pathological changes of the hip joint before and after endoprosthetics. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 11 (Dec. 2020), 203-205. DOI: