LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: PROBLEMS OF INTERACTION The relationship between language and culture

  • Jabbarova Shoira Boltayevna Senior teacher Termez State University Termez, Uzbekistan
Keywords: language, national culture, linguistic concept, language, national culture, linguistic concept


The article analyzes language as a principle that unites culture and society. The connection between language, culture and art is represented by the linguistic concept. The problem of the origin of language and the purpose of the existence of language (the role of a social integrator in Humboldt and a symbol in Potebnya) is revealed. It is shown that language acts as a social fact, as a phenomenon determined by social practices, and, therefore, the language of even an individual (as his thinking, and his worldview) will change as his social status changes.


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How to Cite
Jabbarova Shoira Boltayevna 2020. LANGUAGE AND CULTURE: PROBLEMS OF INTERACTION The relationship between language and culture. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 12 (Dec. 2020), 141-142. DOI: