Peculiarities of innovative reforms in the field of medicine

  • Kurbanov Ihtiyor Khikmatovich Bukhara state medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino
Keywords: innovative policy in medicine, innovative model of health system development, innovative process of medical organizations, program-target model of medical innovation development, public-private partnership model, Innovative activity and development of innovations have their own management features, In any field, including healthcare, enterprises need a developed infrastructure, In medical organizations, this means equipment, the training of medical personnel and the conditions for introducing innovations, which are also priority aspects of the development of new technologies


The purpose of this article is to study the features of innovation in the health care system with consideration of innovative and program-targeted development models, issues of innovation policy and the world experience of public-private partnership. For successful implementation of innovative programs in the health care system, the author offers a number of specific recommendations for developing strategies, creating special organizational structures, finding new ways of financing, and monitoring and monitoring the results of innovative activities.


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How to Cite
Kurbanov Ihtiyor Khikmatovich 2020. Peculiarities of innovative reforms in the field of medicine. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 3 (Mar. 2020), 98-101. DOI: