Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Altruistic Virtues in Students Through the Subject "Education"

  • Yuvashov Sherzod Olmasovich Namangan State University Independent researcher of the Department of Pedagogy
Keywords: altruistic qualities, gnostic, leadership, information, appraisal, technological, integration approaches, components of activity, principle of cooperation


In the article, the interest in the axiological approach in the pedagogical conditions of the development of altruistic qualities in students through the subject of "education" is associated with changes in the socio-cultural environment, the emergence of a new global moral crisis. Therefore, in the new millennium, the scientific community is actively working to identify, regulate and systematize the values that must be mastered by humanity.


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How to Cite
Olmasovich, Y. S. (2021). Pedagogical Conditions for the Development of Altruistic Virtues in Students Through the Subject "Education". International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(8), 54-56.