Systemic-Functional Model of Development of Altruistic Virtues in Students of “Education”

  • Yuvashov Sherzod Olmasovich Namangan State University Independent researcher of the Department of Pedagogy
Keywords: students, altruistic qualities, innovative technologies, interactive methods, new pedagogical research, intellectual, spiritual, physical, mental potential


The article highlights the need for effective use of innovative technologies, interactive methods and new pedagogical research in the development of altruistic qualities in students today. The formation of altruistic qualities in students requires a targeted focus of human intellectual, spiritual, physical and mental potential. Therefore, in the framework of this research work is to substantiate the fact that through the subject of "Education" students can not cultivate altruistic qualities without general potential, knowledge, spiritual and mental maturity, spiritual and physical perfection.


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How to Cite
Olmasovich, Y.S. 2021. Systemic-Functional Model of Development of Altruistic Virtues in Students of “Education”. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 8 (Aug. 2021), 33-36. DOI: