Non-typhoidal salmonellosis is an important zoonotic ailment caused by the genus Salmonella which constitutes a major public health burden and represents a significant cost in many countries. Currently, at a global level, the main sources of infection for humans are foods of animal origin particularly meat, poultry, egg, milk and milk products are plays great role to be the primary source of human salmonellosis. Moreover, antimicrobial resistance in non-typhoidal Salmonella is considered one of the major public health threats related with food-animal production, including the poultry and dairy product, which is an additional concern in the management of salmonellosis. In Ethiopia, despite attempts to study prevalence of Salmonella mainly in poultry and beef, the status in milk and milk products is still unknown. The sixty-eight World Health Assembly in May 2015, the World Health Assembly endorsed a global action plan to tackle antimicrobial resistance. The goal of the global action plan is to ensure the continuity of successful treatment and prevention of infectious diseases with effective and safe medicine. A number of issues have been raised to help in containing antimicrobial resistance, including, improving awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance, strengthening knowledge through surveillance and research, reducing the incidence of infection, optimizing the use of antimicrobial agents and developing the economic case for sustainable investment that takes into account the needs of all countries, and the need for increasing investment in new medicines, diagnostic tools and vaccine. In recognition of such efforts, international partners such as the WHO, FAO and World Organization for animal health and the national partners are engaged in set of activities, such as, improving national awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through public communication programmes that target the different audiences in human health, animal health and agricultural practices. In Ethiopia, there is no Salmonella serotype and antimicrobial resistance surveillance and monitoring system, therefore the available information are fragmented and made available through individual publications. One study, conducted on chicken and different chicken products in Ethiopia indicated the presence of different serotypes of Salmonella. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the role of poultry and dairy product on nontyphoidal salmonella and its antibiotic resistance in Ethiopia..
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