Cladocera cultivation in different ways in the laboratory

  • Turemuratova Gulistan Ismailovna Docent, Department of General Biology and Physology of Karakalpak State University , Nukus Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Nagmetov Hamid Salavat ugli Direction of the bachelor's degree "Water resources and aquaculture "Irkutsk State
Keywords: Simosephalus expinosus, Simosephalus vetulus, Simosephalus serrulatus, D. Magna


The article identifies feed rations, feed coefficients for the cultivation of horned crustaceans used as feed in various methods in the laboratory.


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How to Cite
Turemuratova Gulistan Ismailovna and Nagmetov Hamid Salavat ugli 2021. Cladocera cultivation in different ways in the laboratory. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 2 (Feb. 2021), 125-129. DOI: