The process of general vocational training of future vocational teachers

  • Jalilov Erkin Ergashevich Teacher of Termez State University
Keywords: profession, vocational training, educational activity, practice, practical training, general professional process, module, system, system approach, integrative


The article comprehensively considers the content of the process of general professional training of future vocational education teachers. The purpose of the educational process, changes in curricula and syllabus, as well as ensuring the quality of their content eliminates duplication in the teaching process, there is an opportunity to rationally include elements of research and research laboratory work in the educational process. Most importantly, it allows to strengthen the integrative and fundamental nature of educational activities and practical training in the context of training competitive professionals, its connection with practical activities and life.


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How to Cite
Jalilov Erkin Ergashevich 2021. The process of general vocational training of future vocational teachers. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 2 (Feb. 2021), 189-192. DOI: