Central Asia: Conflicts of Globalization and Opportunities for Regional Cooperation

  • Shukhratjon Abdullaev Senior Teacher Department of social studies Namangan State University
Keywords: regional cooperation, variance and contradiction, problems of globalization, national interests, strategic goal, Central Asia,, objective necessity, European cooperation, harmonious-neighborly relations, security and prosperity, privacy and community, interethnic relations


 In this article the issues of interest and national interests in the context of globalization and regional cooperation are analyzed. This work tries to socio-philosophically analyze the undeveloped mechanisms of mutually beneficial cooperation in international relations and the inequality in supplying the national interests as the case of several problems. It is also emphasized, paying attention to a new form of cooperation in Central Asia, is indicated as a qualitative basis for addressing the need and accelerating regional cooperation, to create a sphere of good neighborly relations in the new development environment.


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How to Cite
Shukhratjon Abdullaev 2021. Central Asia: Conflicts of Globalization and Opportunities for Regional Cooperation. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Mar. 2021), 67-74. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v4i3.1319.