The Negative Consequences of Growing Cotton in Uzbekistan and ways to overcome them

  • Rakhimov Olim Hamitovich A senior teacher of the faculty of Economics, BSU
Keywords: cotton sector, territory, geographic features, climate, fertile lands, region, industrialization, collectivization, irrigation system, deterioration of soil structure


 After the collapse of the Soviet Union, along with numerous achievements in the field of cotton growing, Uzbekistan faced with a number of complex problems. While Uzbekistan still has a long way to go in transforming the cotton sector, some signs of improvement can be seen today. This article elucidates eligible ways to combat with the problems of growing cotton in Uzbekistan


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How to Cite
Rakhimov Olim Hamitovich 2021. The Negative Consequences of Growing Cotton in Uzbekistan and ways to overcome them. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Mar. 2021), 177-182. DOI: