Poetic Interpretation of the Genealogy of Kurgan School of Friendship

  • Abbos Tursunkulov JDPI Associate Professor, Ph.D
Keywords: Epics, national, school of epic, tradition, innovation, autobiography, family tree, dynasty, genre


The article discusses the role of the Kurgan School of Epic, its famous representatives, the traditions and poetic style of the Barkarals, which played an important role in Uzbek folk epics. Based on the autobiographical epic of Ergash Jumanbulbul ogli "Biography", interesting scientific views on the poetic elements of the epic, the teacher-student relationship is put forward


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How to Cite
Abbos Tursunkulov 2021. Poetic Interpretation of the Genealogy of Kurgan School of Friendship. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Mar. 2021), 183-188. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v4i3.1359.