The phenomenon of fatherhood: cultural and philosophical approach

  • Amirzhuzhayev Shukurjon Kurbonovich Andijan State University
Keywords: fatherhood, family relations, biological fatherhood, the institution of the family, problems of fatherhood, social status of becoming a man in the role of father


The article provides information about the place of the phenomenon of “fatherhood” in public life. The article also considers fatherhood as a special status that dominates the formation of a child’s personality, its social role and factor influencing the formation of personal qualities brought up in a family.


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How to Cite
Amirzhuzhayev Shukurjon Kurbonovich 2020. The phenomenon of fatherhood: cultural and philosophical approach. International Journal on Integrated Education. 2, 5 (Mar. 2020), 14-18. DOI: