Improving the spiritual and moral education of a large group of children in preschool education

  • Matchanov Bekpulat Amanboevich Institute of retraining and professional development of directors and specialists of pre-school educational organizations. Senior teacher of the Department of Social Sciences
Keywords: Morality, spiritual upbringing, spiritual qualities, preschool education


This article discusses the formation of the spiritual qualities of a large group of children in preschool education organizations, analyzes the level of spiritual education of a large group of children in preschool organizations today and describes the tasks to be performed in this regard


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How to Cite
Matchanov Bekpulat Amanboevich 2021. Improving the spiritual and moral education of a large group of children in preschool education. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Mar. 2021), 276-277. DOI: