Using learning strategies in the process of individual work to develop Language Skills

  • Samanova Shahlo Bahtiyarovna Teacher, Uzbek State World Languages University
Keywords: metacognitive, cognitive, learning strategy, self-directed learning, self-management, foreign language


 This article discusses the learning strategies that students apply to specific learning tasks. These strategies represent a special interest in the situation where the language of instruction is not native to students. Also, the author pays attention to techniques and approaches that facilitate the acquisition of receptive and productive skills in the learning process of foreign language. The author highlights the importance of self-directed learning strategies that enable students to take command over their learning


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How to Cite
Samanova Shahlo Bahtiyarovna 2021. Using learning strategies in the process of individual work to develop Language Skills. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Mar. 2021), 302-304. DOI: