The importance of Teaching Culture as a part of learning Foreign Languages

  • Adilova Fotima Muhammadanasovna Teacher«Theoretical aspects of the English language 1» department, Uzbekistan State World Languages University
Keywords: culture, elements of culture, the content of culture, different culture, English language, testing, language teaching, characteristics of the educational process


 In modern socio-economic situation, culture is an important part of content of teaching English. The article deals with the subject of culture as the contents and the context of teaching English, the object of testing and the characteristics of the teaching process. The article is based upon theoretical research, empirical analysis and classroom observations


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How to Cite
Adilova Fotima Muhammadanasovna 2021. The importance of Teaching Culture as a part of learning Foreign Languages. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Mar. 2021), 318-321. DOI: