An Analysis of Figurative Language on Joe Biden’s Victory Speech

  • Febriani Nainggolan English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia
  • Dwike Agustina Siahaan English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia
  • Bloner Sinurat English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia
  • Herman English Education Department, Universitas HKBP Nommensen, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Figurative language, semantics, meaning, speech


This research deals with the use of figurative language on Joe Biden victory speech. In this research, the problems are arisen about what types of figurative language are used on Joe Biden’s victory speech and what is the meaning of each figurative language used on Joe Biden’s victory speech. The methodology, which used in this research, is the qualitative research and the researchers used content analysis method. The document or content analysis is a research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristic of the material. The data in this research is Joe Biden’s victory speech. After investigating the types of figurative language on Joe Biden’s victory speech, the researchers found the total 86 sentences that contain examples of figurative language on Joe Biden’s victory speech. There are 5 types of figurative language used on Joe Biden’s victory speech from 7 types of figurative language proposed by Leech. The 5 types of figurative language used on Joe Biden’s victory speech are metaphor, personification, hyperbole, simile, and litotes. Among the 5 types of figurative language often appear used on Joe Biden’s victory speech is metaphor. Metaphor consists of 44 sentences, personification consists of 34 sentences, hyperbole consists of 5 sentences, simile consists of 2 sentences, and litotes consists of 1 sentence


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How to Cite
Febriani Nainggolan, Dwike Agustina Siahaan, Bloner Sinurat and Herman 2021. An Analysis of Figurative Language on Joe Biden’s Victory Speech. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Apr. 2021), 364-375. DOI: