Lectural and Seminar Lessons in Higher Educational Institutions From Congruence and Coherence Aspects

  • Takhirova Masuda Abdujabbor qizi PhD student of the “Pedagogy and General Psychology department” of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Keywords: pedagogical creativity, projecting, learning objectives, traditional form of teaching, non-traditional form of teaching, university lessons, educational objectives


In this article, the issues of organizing lectures in higher educational institutions is discussed from congruence (horizontally) and coherence (vertically) aspects of the educational environment. The structure and methodological techniques of constructing lectures and the feedback of students in several universities to the different forms of lectures are deeply analyzed and discussed. According to conducted researches the author identified the criteria for evaluating the quality of the conducted lessons and developed methodological recommendations for trainers


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How to Cite
Takhirova Masuda Abdujabbor qizi 2021. Lectural and Seminar Lessons in Higher Educational Institutions From Congruence and Coherence Aspects. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Apr. 2021), 440-447. DOI:https://doi.org/10.17605/ijie.v4i3.1532.