Negative Politeness

  • Yuldasheva Feruza Erkinovna Assistant teacher of Bukhara state university, English linguistics department, Uzbekistan
Keywords: negative politeness, tendency, addressee’s want, direct and be indirect clash, higher status


The article deals with the scientific importance of a systematic approach to the politeness category and its strategies. The goal of the article is to analyze the use of some models of English speech etiquette, specifically the use of politeness forms typical of the English. Politeness strategy presents itself  in various types, as absolute, relative, negative or positive politeness. The type of politeness presupposes a definite form of etiquette speech act. Politeness strategy is analyzed in speech acts of apologies and condolences, through their pragmatic structures


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How to Cite
Yuldasheva Feruza Erkinovna 2021. Negative Politeness. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 3 (Apr. 2021), 468-471. DOI: