Translating Methods of English Geological Terms and The Problem of Computer Lexicography

  • Akhmedov Oybek Saporbayevich Professor of Uzbek State World Languages University
  • Turdikulova Barno Toirkulovna Teacher of Gulistan State University
Keywords: geological term, mineral, morphological structure, translation, comparison, borrowing


 In recent years, much attention has been paid to teaching ESP (English for Specific Purposes), since the study of "special" texts, with their terminology, increases the motivation of the student, replenishes the vocabulary that will be useful in a future profession. When expanding the research topic, the work of scientists who studied the translation of geological terms in different years was analyzed, the names of some minerals were selected, their morphological structure was studied, and compared with the translation. The results of the study showed that to date in Uzbekistan there are no electronic dictionaries on geological terms. Therefore, we believe that in universities where there are areas of geology, we should pay the attention of teachers of foreign languages to teaching English for special purposes, and conduct their research in accordance with this specialty


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How to Cite
Akhmedov Oybek Saporbayevich and Turdikulova Barno Toirkulovna 2021. Translating Methods of English Geological Terms and The Problem of Computer Lexicography. International Journal on Integrated Education. 4, 4 (Apr. 2021), 1-4. DOI: